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Author Archives: Cheryl Neptune
Song “The Way To Heaven”
From Dallas Gospel Chapel, February 8th, 2013. Cheryl Neptune singing
“I’m So Thanful that I’ve found the Way to Heaven”
Download this song in MP3 format from Soundcloud – “The Way To Heaven”
TALENT SHOW – August 11th
August 11th at 6:00 p.m. at Gospel Chapel. Tickets are $2.00 for pre-sale $3.00 at the door. (Only adults have to buy a ticket)
The Sunday school is having a fund raiser. They are presenting a talent show on August 11th at Gospel Chapel. Ages 17 & under will be participating. Everyone join us for an evening of fun. Below is the information from one of our Sunday School Teacher; Sis. Sara Click here for more details (more…)
Sis. Margaret Parker’s Obituary Online at www.dignitymemorial.com
Sis. Margaret Parker’s Obituarary is Online at: www.dignitymemorial.com
A Nursery will be provided for the funeral service on Monday.
UPDATE – Watermelon crew – Interested yet? YOUTH FUNDRAISER
Well…today was great. As we approached the church we saw the watermelon crew. You may ask…what is the watermelon crew? Well, it was some very dedicated young people standing on the corner selling watermelon slices for .50 each. The watermelon crew made $70.00 selling watermelon slices. It really was a great day. As we turned into the church things were buzzing. Cars were being washed, bar-b-que sandwiches were being sold. It was a joy just to watch the young people work together. After all was said and done they made over (more…)
Carry Me Through The Storm – Story behind the song
I wrote the song “Carry Me Through The Storm” in 1998 when I was at my lowest point after losing my mother. When I went down for prayer one night at church I told God, “You said you wouldn’t give me more than I could bear so you must know that I can do this, so Lord you’ll have to carry me through it.”
A few days later (more…)
Add those chords everyone seems to know but you!!!
PRINTING INFO: Scroll to the TOP of page 1 to be able to print out the 3 pages. Thanks.
Print out the Dim7 CHORDS …(3 pgs.) Look at the bottom of this post.
It took me all day long…but I realized that I do certain things over and over and over on the piano…no matter what song. We all do… that play the piano…we learn certain things and use them. I wanted to make it fun…easy to read…well…I think you get the idea.
My daughter is learning the piano and wanted help and I am helping a few others. I never had anything that I had written down…now I do. I’m a simple person when it comes to music. I wish I had the technical training that others have. I really shouldn’t wish…they put a LOT of effort into learning and teaching.
I am not not a teacher by any means of the imagination…only to give anyone what I think could help. I glean from other people and still learn. I am in awe of the abilities that others have. Their abilities faaarrrr surprise mine….but I have been taught to use what you have and share it…then the Lord will give you more…so I’m trying to put that into practice. It’s not fancy…it’s just a simple chord progression (written in 3 pages that I can email anyone who wants it) that I use…and it turns boring into…. wow…I didn’t know I could play something that sounds like that.
I am still working on things myself and continually learning. I only hope that someone can get anything from what I do know….and know that we are all still learning. If someone has anything that could help me…please feel free to pass it on.
Anyways…those are my thoughts….my reasons for making this 3 page info. on dim7 chords. These are NOT all of the chords that I am sure that could be listed…only the ones that I use regularly did I write down…sorry about that…anyways..
I am new to blogging….I think that I am really going to enjoy this. I really do enjoy helping anyone that wants to learn as much as I do. I am hoping to make a few little…and I do mean little…videos on the piano…haha. I pray you can enjoy the music like I have…I love love love to sing and make music for the glory of God. It is so rewarding. May the Lord bless you all!
Sis. Cheryl Neptune
PRINTING: Scroll to the TOP of page 1 for the entire document to print correctly. Thanks.