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Monthly Archives: July 2009

Dallas Chuck Wagon Cookout and Youth Service

We are officially inviting all of the Texas & Local State Area churches to a Chuck Wagon cook-out on August 22nd, 2009 (yee-haw!!) , softball, dominos tournament, volleyball, followed by an evening Youth Service (letters went out last week to most of the area churches).  We will start at 10:00 AM with outside activities for all ages and then enjoy food all day!  Bro. Ray Martin and Little Ray are cookin’ up sum great food… dutch oven style!  I know for sure they are making some home made cobbler! 

We will send everyone to get cleaned up and ready for church at 3:00 PM and start the Youth Service at 6:00 pm.   

We have service Friday night and would (more…)

UPDATE – Watermelon crew – Interested yet? YOUTH FUNDRAISER

Well…today was great.  As we approached the church we saw the watermelon crew.  You may ask…what is the watermelon crew?  Well, it was some very dedicated young people standing on the corner selling watermelon slices for .50 each.  The watermelon crew made $70.00 selling watermelon slices.  It really was a great day.  As we turned into the church things were buzzing.  Cars were being washed, bar-b-que sandwiches were being sold.  It was a joy just to watch the young people work together.  After all was said and done they made over (more…)

Six Flags Trip is almost here!

I wanted to remind everyone that the Six Flags trip is this coming Wednesday July 15th!  If your name was on the list back in April when the tickets were purchased then your child is already paid for.   If you are not sure if your child was paid for please check with Sis. Mellisa Garrett.  If not then you will need to purchase a ticket at the gate to get into the park.   Here is the original posting with all the necessary information about the trip. (more…)

A new look for the site

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Tyler State Park Trip 2009

Tyler State Park Trip Report

I had been praying for the last couple of weeks about the weather and my prayers were answered!  The day started out a sunny and breezy 80 something and stayed under 100 all day long.  We started out on the bus with Bro. Kannady praying over the trip and everyone was in good spirits!  We had a whopping 43 people on the bus which I could not believe.

I was thinking last night that the Orange bus is going to be a part of the “fleet” of busses we are going to have sometime in the near future.

We loaded bicycles, fishing poles, and all kinds of flotation devices under the bus and headed out.  (more…)

Offerings & Tithes